Sunday, January 13, 2008

young love

My little bro announced his engagement today. It came as a bit of a surprise given that he is 19 years old and he's known the lass in question for a good six months. Apparently she's not knocked up either! But hey good luck to him, hope it all works out. My sister and I were discussing the bombshell and reckon this might be part of a new gen y phenomenen. Under 21s getting married seems to be bobbing up more and more, and may be another quirk of that (frankly unfathomable to bitter old x'ers like me) generation.

For those following the pub sale saga it wends it's way onward with all the urgency of glacier. It was nearly all off again this week and if I can see the process through without either a - having a stroke or b - end up going postal on the the purchaser/landlord/solicitor/accountant/health inspector/fire safety guy/dickhead from the local paper asking silly questions we can all count ourselves very lucky.

Been hitting youtube pretty hard over the last few nights, mainly Shane McGowan and Christy Moore/Planxty material. It was fascinating to spot the melody from an old Christy track the Curragh of Kildare has been borrowed in it's entirety for the Pogues own White City. I guess folk music is a tune sharing culture, but you'd hope Shane bought Christy a few pints on the strength of it (even if they are just pints of red lemonade given that Mr Moore is teetotal these days).

Friday, January 4, 2008

Its getting hot in here.

3 weeks left at the pub and by god its hot. 36C today and no end in sight. The owner to be is spending more time at the pub while various inspections by government worthies are taking place and I'm finally starting to feel like it might be over. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, teaching guitar is an attractive option but my stock reply at the moment is to tell people I'm returning to modelling. People tend to go quiet when I tell them that and back away slowly.