Wednesday, October 29, 2008


fuckity fuck FUCK. It was always going to happen I guess. In every sale process there is an easter egg. An undocumented feature. A little surprise.

Well today I got mine. A bit of a special sale condition by the broker that he ran past me like he was offering me a mint. I had to get him to repeat it. Apparently we have thirty days after posession to paint the pub. A lick of paint - I thought, that can't be too bad - but I told him to hang off, I'll just get some quotes and get back to him.

Cold called a commercial painter straight out of the yellow pages and then I started to feel very cold. Twenty large to start with was the off the cuff estimate. Could blow out to thirty if there's problem with power lines and scaffolding. Collected my thoughts and left messages with a couple of painters I half know. They'll get back to me tomorrow.

Thank Christ I haven't signed anything - I'm getting the bad tingling here.


Manuel said...

what's that all about? what a strange stipulation! is that normal?

cogidubnus said...

"Thank Christ I haven't signed anything - I'm getting the bad tingling here.Thank Christ I haven't signed anything - I'm getting the bad tingling here"

You and me both...

paddy said...

current tenants signed a lease agreement stating they'd do the painting. They haven't, they're too skint to do it and the owner won't authorise a change of lease until it's done. They kind of casually tried to palm it off on me. I'm about to unleash my solicitor who is a bit of a rottweiler when it comes to these things god bless him.